Wild flowers

To see a World in a Grain of Sand

And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,

Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand

And Eternity in an hour.



Hello 🙂 I am sorry for not posting in such a long time (and thus completely failing with my 2016 goals) but my inspiration is at all time low. I do post photos from time to time on my Instagram account (check me out: rorypaw) but I haven’t managed to write a single word of my story yet. So for those few of you who do read it,I am sorry. But there are some things in store for my blog for which I am very excited about. It takes time to arrange everything but I hope you will like it 🙂




Spring and blossoms


The weather here is ever-changing; it can go from spring in the morning to bitter winter in the night.

The sight of blossoming trees and colorful meadows,however, stays unchanged.


In my free time, I am (re)reading A Dance with Dragons to prepare myself for Winds of Winter (which I hope will be released rather sooner than later) 😀


Also, I have been accepted into the university choir which is a big deal for me because of my stage fright (you can imagine how scared I was to sing in front of everyone at the audition). We have rehearsals in the evenings,which I quite like.


Last week has been mentally and physically exhausting (I barely slept 3 hours per night) due to some unpredictable events. So I am grateful to be alive this weekend 😀


I hope you are all doing well and enjoying this early spring 🙂